Rails Install For Mac

  1. Install Rails For Mac
  2. How To Install Rails

Install Rails For Mac

If you've been itching to try out Ruby and/or Rails, if the Terminal is somewhat new to you, you may find that even the process of installing it can generate countless confusing errors. This article will detail the exact steps you need to follow to get Ruby up and running on your Mac. $ gem install rails. Here’s the command for installing the newest beta version: $ gem install rails –pre. And here’s the code if you want the specific version number of Rails: $ gem install rails –version=(the specific number) Also, don’t forget to verify if your version of Rails is installed properly by using this code: $ rails –v.

  1. Ruby on Rails is open source software, so not only is it free to use, you can also help make it better. More than 5,000 people already have contributed code to Rails. It’s easier than you think to become one of them. Optimizing for programmer happiness with Convention over Configuration is how we roll. Ruby on Rails has been popularizing both.
  2. Now it’s time to install Rails. Rails comes as a Ruby “gem”. A gem is a library, a collection of reusable code, that can be automatically downloaded and installed on your system, using the “gem” tool. In your command prompt, run: gem install rails -version 5.0.0.
  3. Installing Ruby on Rails. The installation process for Ruby on Rails is different depending on whether you are running Windows, MacOS, or Linux: Windows. To do this, download the file rubyinstaller-1.8.7-p299.exe, execute it, and follow the instructions to install Ruby in the default location (C:/Ruby187). Select the checkbox that.

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Today, we're going to be setting up a Ruby on Rails development environment on a Mac.

First, you'll need to open a terminal. If you haven't done this before, visit your Applications folder in the Finder, then open the 'Utilities' folder, and double-click the 'Terminal' app. Once that's done, you'll be ready to follow along for the rest of these directions.


Installing Rails requires several software packages. And Homebrew, the package manager, can automatically download and install these packages for us. So let's start by installing Homebrew.

Copy and paste this Ruby command into your terminal, then hit the Return key to run it:

(Macs actually come with a version of Ruby pre-installed. It's a bit outdated, but it's recent enough to install Homebrew for us.)

When the install finishes, you'll see the dollar sign prompt again. Now it's time to install our first Homebrew package. For security reasons, we're going to need an encryption tool named 'gpg', so let's install that. In your terminal, run:

Wait a bit, and when it returns to the command prompt, the gpg software will be installed.

Ruby Version Manager (rvm)

And now we're ready to install rvm, the Ruby Version Manager. rvm will download, compile, and install new Ruby versions for us.

Copy and paste these two commands into your terminal:

(Yes, that is a backslash before the 'curl' command. It's there to avoid potential version conflicts.)

rvm is now installed, but it won't be available until you open a new terminal window. So go ahead and open a new window from the menu. Then, try running the 'rvm' command all by itself. If it outputs usage information, you'll know it's working.



Now that rvm is installed, we can have it install a new Ruby version for us. Run this command from your terminal:

When it returns to the system prompt, Ruby will be installed. But it may not be available in your terminal yet. To tell rvm to use the Ruby version you just installed, and to use this version by default in the future, run this command in your terminal:


Now it's time to install Rails. Rails comes as a Ruby 'gem'. A gem is a library, a collection of reusable code, that can be automatically downloaded and installed on your system, using the 'gem' tool. In your command prompt, run:

The 'gem' program will download and install that version of the Rails gem, along with all the other gems Rails depends on.

That's it! You should be ready to create your first Rails app!

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Download & Install Ruby on Windows

You can now install both Ruby 2.6 and DevKit together from rubyinstaller website. But if you only need ruby to be installed on your windows system, just download any ruby 2.x version from Ruby without DevKit download section.

How To Install Rails

Download & Install DevKit on Windows

If you wish to install Ruby on Rails on Windows then you’ll require DevKit, which helps C-extensions compile immediately. Previously DevKit was downloaded and installed separately on Windows systems. Now, both ruby and DevKit can be installed together with just one click from rubyinstaller website.

To install Ruby on Rails, you need to install ruby with DevKit. Once your ruby is installed, check the ruby version with following command.

Install NodeJS and Yarn for Ruby on Rails

You’ll require Nodejs and Yarn to be installed before your start installing Rails 6.

Download & Install NodeJS

To install NodeJS, simply visit nodejs.org and download the latest or the stable version of Node and install it. With Node installation, you get nodejs, npm, and npx but yarn needs to be installed once you have nodejs installed on your system.

Install Yarn for Rails

Let’s install Ruby on Rails 6

To install Ruby on Rails 6 without document. I do not prefer installing docs just because it takes time and space on the system.

It takes time. I know. After Rails is installed. Just create a demo app to test if Rails Development environment is set up properly.

There is possibility that you’ll get errors, to fix errors scroll down. I have listed few common errors with solutions.

Watch me install Ruby on Rails on Windows

Rails sqlite3 gem error – Windows 7/8/10

Replace gem sqlite3 with the following code and run bundle install

replace with


gem ‘sqlite3’, ‘~> 1.3’

or ..

How to install rails

One of the above must work with your setup, then

RAILS_ENV=development environment is not defined

Simply run the following command, make sure you have already installed nodejs and yarn

Now go ahead and run bundle install and rails server



No connection pool with ‘primary’ found.

Replace the following line in Gemfile


Puma caught this error: Error loading the ‘sqlite3’ Active Record adapter

In Gemfile replace sqlite3 gem with following command and bundle install


Now run bundle install and rails server