Psql For Mac

PSQL ODBC DRIVER FOR WINDOWS MAC. Vii conventions unless. Postgresql global development group, postgresql global development group free, odbc driver pervasive, net framework data provider. Howto visual basic, enterprisedbpostgresql global development group. Choose data source choose destination, howto access large objects. Postgresql ubuntu linux. Here are the steps I used to set up Postgres in Mac OSX. Most of what is written here was learned from this blog post. I am saving my notes here in case that site gets removed. Install Postgress using brew. If you don’t have homebrew, install it first. Then simply run. GUI Client Apps. There are many clients for PostgreSQL on the Mac. You can find many of them in the Community Guide to PostgreSQL GUI Tools in the PostgreSQL wiki. Some of them are quite powerful; some are still a bit rough.

  • Alright, time to install PostgreSQL on Mac. Install PostgreSQL using Homebrew. In Terminal run the following command to install PostgreSQL on Mac using Homebrew. $ brew install postgres We can check the version of PostgreSQL using the psql command. $ psql -version psql (PostgreSQL) 11.5 Start PostgreSQL.
  • PostgreSQL Database Query Tool Features. The PostgreSQL database query tool features provided by RazorSQL include a custom PostgreSQL database browser tailored to PostgreSQL, a PostgreSQL SQL editor with PostgreSQL specific features and syntax highlighting, custom PostgreSQL GUI tools, and PostgreSQL specific database administration tools.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install PostgreSQL on two different operating systems - Windows and Mac.

PostgreSQL is an open-source and light-weighted relational database management system (RDBMS). It is widely popular among developers and has been well-accepted by the industry. This tutorial is going to show you how you can install a specific version of PostgreSQL on either Windows or Mac. This tutorial will include -

  • Installing PostgreSQL on Windows
  • Testing your PostgreSQL installation on Windows
  • Installing PostgreSQL on Mac OS X
  • Testing your PostgreSQL installation on Mac OSX

Installing PostgreSQL on Windows

PostgreSQL provides a nice graphical installer to install it. It is probably the easiest way to install PostgreSQL. For installing PostgreSQL on Windows, first head over to and you should be provided with a table containing different distributions of PostgreSQL for different platforms -

PostgreSQL does not ask for any fancy requirements, and it runs mostly on a variety of commodity computers. So, system requirements' problem should not be there.

Psql For Mac

Assuming you are on Windows (32-bit version) platform and want to install the 9.4.21 version of PostgreSQL, you can click on the button as marked in the following figure -

Navigate to the location where the graphical installer got downloaded and double-click on it. It may vary from user to user depending on their administration schemes. You may have to run the installer as an administrator. Assuming you are already an administrator, double-clicking on the installer file will prompt you with a dialog box. The dialog box simply asks for your permission to install PostgreSQL on your computer. Click on Yes.

You will then get something like this -

Click on Next. You will be prompted to specify the path of the destination folder in which you want to install PostgreSQL.

Specify the path and click on Next.

You will next see a dialog box asking you to specify the data directory of PostgreSQL. It is recommended to leave it as it appears -

You will now be asked to enter a password to protect your PostgreSQL database system. It is highly advised that you provide one -

PostgreSQL's services run on port number 5432. But PostgreSQL also lets you specify that after you enter and confirm your password -

It is recommended that you keep 5432 as it is.

You will then be asked to provide the Locale of the database. It is better to leave it to the Default one as shown the following figure and click on Next-

PostgreSQL is now finally ready to get installed on your Windows computer. And you are left with just one click (on Next)-

Your PostgreSQL installation should now have started. It won't take much time. Towards the very end of the installation process, you will be prompted to check/uncheck to launch StackBuilder. You can uncheck that and click on Finish.

PsqlSql for mac os

Testing your PostgreSQL installation on Windows

After you are done installing PostgreSQL, you can verify if the installation was correct or not. For this, simply press the Windows button from your keyboard and type psql. Select the option that says SQL Shell (psql). The SQL Shell of PostgreSQL looks just like the command-prompt -

Hit Enter four times in case you followed all the default settings while installing PostgreSQL. Otherwise, you will have to specify all the values as needed by psql manually. Finally, give the password you provided during the installation and hit Enter. If you get the postgres=# prompt, then your installation was all correct.

You will now see how to install the same version of PostgreSQL on a Mac computer.

Installing PostgreSQL on Mac OS X

To install PostgreSQL on a Mac computer, head over to and click on the button as shown in the following figure (version 9.4.21) -

Now, navigate to the location where the installer got downloaded.

Double-click on the installer file. And you will be provided with another folder containing two files -

Double-click on this file -

You will be asked to either Cancel or Open further. In order to continue the installation, click on Open.

You will then be prompted to enter your password for your Mac OS X.

After entering your password, click on OK. You will then see something like this -

Simply, click on Next.

Now, everything is exactly the same with the Windows' installation steps. Once you are done installing PostgreSQL, you can test if it was correct.

Testing your PostgreSQL installation on Mac OS X

To test the installation, simply click on Launchpad and type psql. You should get the following if you do so -

Click on it and then you will get a prompt like this -

You will be asked to enter the details, and the values may vary from user to user. If you followed the default installation without changing any of the values during the installation, just hit Enter four times and enter the password you provided during the installation.

If you get the psql prompt, i.e. postgres=# then your installation is correct.

Mac Install Psql

Taking it further

You now know how you can install PostgreSQL on your computer. If you are looking to hone your SQL skills using PostgreSQL here are some of the resources that might help you -

Psql is an interactive terminal to work with the PostgreSQL database. It is used to query data from the PostgreSQL database server faster and more effectively. In this article we will look into some of the most frequently used Psql commands.

The below table provides with the frequently used Psql commands:

Postgres App Mac

CommandDescriptionAdditional Information
psql -d database -U user -W Connects to a database under a specific user-d: used to state the database name
-U:used to state the database user
psql -h host -d database -U user -W Connect to a database that resides on another host-h: used to state the host
-d: used to state the database name
-U:used to state the database user
psql -U user -h host “dbname=db sslmode=require”Use SSL mode for the connection-h: used to state the host
-U:used to state the database user
c dbnameSwitch connection to a new database
lList available databases
dtList available tables
d table_nameDescribe a table such as a column, type, modifiers of columns, etc.
dnList all schemas of the currently connected database
dfList available functions in the current database
dvList available views in the current database
duList all users and their assign roles
SELECT version();Retrieve the current version of PostgreSQL server
gExexute the last command again
sDisplay command history
s filenameSave the command history to a file
i filenameExecute psql commands from a file
?Know all available psql commands
hGet helpEg:to get detailed information on ALTER TABLE statement use the h ALTER TABLE
eEdit command in your own editor
aSwitch from aligned to non-aligned column output
HSwitch the output to HTML format
qExit psql shell

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Psql For Mac

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Sql For Mac

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Postgresql Mac Client